Climate Change

The EU’s unholy obsession with Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms

The European Commission’s sought feedback on its controversial initiative to introduce carbon border measures to protect its heavy industry.

Whilst it popular to talk though on trade, this could be the point at which the EU loses its ability to build diverse international coalitions to advance collective action to solve the climate crisis.Worse still, it could hammer large parts of the economy to protect the very few, who, as we highlight, have very weak arguments for protectionism in […]

By |March 31st, 2020|Climate Change|0 Comments

EU Climate Law

Change Partnership responded to the EU consultation on an EU-wide climate law that would lock in a zero-carbon by 2050 target. Our recommendations are:

Definition:‘carbon neutrality’ is vague and will lead to a confusing and misleading legislative framework.  Therefore, the legal definition of the target should be ‘zero-carbon’ which refers to all non-negligible quantities of CO2e from production sources. 2050 targets: The EU must set two separate targets for 2050. The first relates to the need to remove all direct CO2e […]

By |February 18th, 2020|Climate Change, EU2050, phase-out fossil fuel subsidies|0 Comments

Four things the EU should do to strengthen climate action before this mandate ends

EU institutions still have time for a series of concrete actions to strengthen climate policy before their mandate ends and get their successors off to a flying start, write Sanjeev Kumar and Edward Robinson.

Sanjeev Kumar is the founder of Change Partnership, a think-tank focused on solving the politics of climate change. Edward Robinson is a director of Culmer Raphael and a Senior Adviser to Change Partnership.

While the Commission’s 2050 Clean Planet for all vision doesn’t propose new policies or […]

By |May 13th, 2019|Climate Change|0 Comments

Climate leaders don’t fund coal

Chinco Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, called on world leaders to ‘Join Japan and act now to save our planet’, in 2018.

Sadly, Japan plans to build a record number of coal plants than any other developed nation and remains of the largest global finances for coal-plant investments overseas.

Change Partnership, with other leading activities and think-tanks calls on the Prime Minister Abe to put an end to the destructive investments carried out in his name.

This advert was placed […]

By |April 18th, 2019|Climate Change|0 Comments

Sustainable finance: making sure capital markets benefit the climate

Two factors are driving a revolution in the financial industry. Firstly, large consumers such as pension funds and other institutional investors, are increasingly demanding low-risk assets and opportunities which are compatible with the goals set out Paris Agreement. Some large financial organisations are already reducing their risk exposure to high-carbon assets. Axa, one of the largest global insurers committed to invest €12 billion in green projects by 2020; an additional €3 billion divestment from carbon-intensive energy such as coal […]

By |January 8th, 2019|Climate Change, EU2050, Sustainable finance|0 Comments

Is populism bad for climate change?

The violent response to the French carbon tax in Paris demonstrates good climate policy is dependent on a fair, just and managed transition writes Sanjeev Kumar. Far from stalling, climate change action is becoming a major issue in elections globally, he argues in an article published by Euractiv here.

Today, Change Partnership and other NGOs called for legislators on the EU ETS to ensure that climate policy should not be used to finance coal.

The statement says:
Being serious about the Paris Agreement:
Stop the ETS funding coal,
Start a meaningful carbon price
This Agreement […] aims to […] making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.
Paris Agreement, Article 2(1)c

We, the undersigned, urgently appeal to Representatives of European Parliament, Council and the European Commission to ensure […]

By |November 8th, 2017|Climate Change, Coal, EU ETS, phase-out fossil fuel subsidies|0 Comments

Leak of the Market Design Directive impact assessment

This is a leak of the Market Design Impact Assessment  governing the operation of electricity markets and in particular, greater measures to make it more consumer focused. It is also vital to putting renewable energy on the same footing as the rest of the electricity market. The legislative proposal is scheduled for October/November 2016.

By |September 29th, 2016|Climate Change, Energy, Leak, Renewable energy|0 Comments

Leaked Energy Savings Directive

Proposals to legislate the 27% energy savings target to 2030, agreed by the European Council, are finally starting to materialise in this leaked copy, which has been sent to the College of Commissioners for improvement and sign-off.

Arias-Canete, Commissioner for climate and energy, had previously called for a 30% target whilst the European Parliament recently passed an important resolution asking for a 40% target. It seems the Commission has ignored it’s own climate and energy leader as well as the […]

By |September 9th, 2016|Climate Change, Energy, energy efficiency, EU 2030, Leak|0 Comments

Change Partnership seeks an intern to start from September

If you would like to join Change Partnership to develop your career in the politics of climate change please see this advert and send your application to [email protected] by 15 August, 2016.

By |August 3rd, 2016|Climate Change|0 Comments