energy efficiency

Leaked Energy Savings Directive

Proposals to legislate the 27% energy savings target to 2030, agreed by the European Council, are finally starting to materialise in this leaked copy, which has been sent to the College of Commissioners for improvement and sign-off.

Arias-Canete, Commissioner for climate and energy, had previously called for a 30% target whilst the European Parliament recently passed an important resolution asking for a 40% target. It seems the Commission has ignored it’s own climate and energy leader as well as the […]

By |September 9th, 2016|Climate Change, Energy, energy efficiency, EU 2030, Leak|0 Comments

China’s 13th Five Year Plan: The clean technology revolution and its opportunities for the EU

Change Partnership published an in-depth analysis of China’s 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) today. The report China’s 13 FYP: The clean technology revolution and its implications for the EU looks into the most comprehensive programme to shift China away from fossil fuels and boosting clean technology innovation. This will make decarbonisation that much cheaper for everyone boosting the opportunity to shift away from fossil fuels.

Alongside the emphasis on innovation, markets and economic restructuring, much more attention has been paid […]

Change Partnership, industry, trade unions and associations support adequate climate policy

Today (1st March, 2016) Change Partnership together with over 60 other NGOs, companies, associations and trade unions wrote to European leaders demanding the right climate policy is established across the EU.

The statement called upon leaders to:

Ensure that Europe’s ambition is consistent with the Paris Agreementand that wehave a clear pathway set to 2050, which is at the upper end of the 80-95% range.
Guarantee that 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas reductions targets are in line with the science, […]

By |March 2nd, 2016|Climate Change, Energy, energy efficiency, EU 2030, EU ETS|0 Comments

Energy Community countries risk losing € billions unless they modernise their energy systems

Outdated energy infrastructure, increasing fossil-fuel capacity and massive electricity losses through distribution and transmission are some of the key challenges faced by Energy Community countries, according to a Change Partnership analysis released on Tuesday.

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine have to revise their investment strategies to account for water stress, environmental and climate change impacts which will have a dramatic impact on their future development. A carbon price signal, introduced either through an emissions trading system, […]