Project Description
The EU has lead international efforts to address climate change. 20:20:20 targets committed the EU to
reducing GHG emissions by 20% from 1990 levels, realising final energy savings of 20% and ensuring 20% of
final energy consumption came from renewable energy sources by 2020. Now the challenge is to set the
right GHG target as well as targets for energy efficiency, renewables and support for technology innovation
for 2030. The 2030 timeline is critical because the EU needs to increase its GHG reduction as the 20% is
less than that required by scientific findings on climate change.
Considerable effort is required to move the European power generation sector to move away from fossil
fuel dependency towards clean power generation from wind, solar and other domestic renewable sources
as well as introducing carbon capture and storage (CCS) on coal and gas-fired power generation. We are
considered with setting the correct GHG, renewable, energy savings and innovation financing mechanism
which are key to pushing action to the level required.