Change Partnership has teamed up Climate Justice and a host of other civil society voices to occupy the streets of Warsaw during the international negotiations on climate change in November 2013. Make your voice count with us this November.
All nations will be present in Warsaw from 11 to 23 November to start a three year negotiation round culminating in a new international treaty to address climate change. Poland has been at the forefront of countries that are opposed to action on climate change. They will do whatever they can to derail the discussions. That’s why our voice and presence are so essential.
Occupying the streets of Warsaw
The march will take place in Warsaw on Saturday Nov. 16th in the afternoon. We will start at the Palace for Culture and Science, an important meeting place for civil society, located in the historical centre of Warsaw. We meet at 2pm and the march starts at 3pm. We will walk over one of the central avenues towards the National Stadium where the negotiations take place. Our partners in Poland will provide music and megaphones. One of the key attributes will be eyes, in all shapes, sizes and colors, to show the negotiators we are watching them very closely.
The ‘Climate Train’ will leave Brussels on Friday 15th of November around noon to join the March on Saturday 16th. The return leg will start on Sunday afternoon and arrive around 6:30am on Monday 18th. Accommodation and other means are being provided for by local organisations such as the Stop Climate Coalition in Poland. We need to have 500 people on the train to help boost numbers. All you have to do is leave a deposit of €100 to ensure your seat on this magnificent voyage. A coach is being organised if you are traveling from London.
For more information please visit
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