The European Commission proposed an automatic mechanism to remove the 2 billion surplus of ETS allowances which destabilised the supply and demand balance causing prices crash and remain ineffective. The Market Stability Reserve (MSR), if designed correctly, could restore short and long-term confidence to the carbon market.
Key elements of the Commission’s proposal and impact assessment are:
- A Market Stability Reserve that comes into force in 2021
- Institutionalising a surplus of ETS allowances between 400 and 833 million tonnes
- When the surplus is more than 833 million 12% excess allowances enter the MSR
- When the surplus is less than 400 million, 100 million allowances exit the MSR
- The 400 and 833 million thresholds will be reviewed in 2026
Reform in the European Parliament
Key documents:
Ivo Belet leaked report (17 November 2014) Draft ITRE Opinion 17.10.14 5 November hearing agenda MSR hearing slides (Advance copy) ITRE MSR amendments – UNTRANSLATED (28 November 2014) draft ITRE compromise amendments without agreement from other shadows (8 December 2014) UK MSR and competitiveness guidance note (December 2014) ENVI Committee amendments – untranslated (Dec 2014) ENVI Committee amendments – translated (January 2015) ITRE Compromise amendments (14 January 2015) EPP internal compromise between Tajani and Belet EPP internal compromise between Tajani and Belet Provisional draft of ENVI compromise amendments (12 February, 2015) ENVI Compromise amendments (23 February 2015) ENVI final compromise amendments (24 February 2015) ENVI Committee roll call vote ( 24 February, 2015) ENVI final negotiating amendments (2 March 2015)
The European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) and the Environment Council are is responsible for improving the Commission’s proposal. The ENVI Committee appointed:
Ivo Belet MEP (EPP) Belgium – lead legislator (Rapporter)
Mathias Groote MEP (S&D) Germany – Shadow
Bas Eickhout MEP (Greens/EFA), Netherlands – Shadow
Gerban-Jan Gerbrandy MEP (ALDE) Netherlands – Shadow
Merja Kyollnen MEP (GUE/NL) Finland – Shadow
Ian Duncan MEP (ECR) United Kingdom – Shadow
Eleonora Evi MEP (EFDD) Italy
Industry, Energy and Research Committee (ITRE) gives an opinion to the ENVI Committee. The opinion givers are:
Antonio Tajani MEP (EPP) Italy
Fedrick Federley MEP (ALDE) Sweden
Theresa Griffin MEP (S&D) UK
Peter Eriksson MEP (Greens/EFA) Sweden
Cornelia Ernst MEP (GUE/NL) Germany
Rolandas Paksas MEP (EFDD) Lithuania
Marek Grobarczyk MEP (ECR) Poland
Reform in the Environment Council
The following countries have submitted official positions outlining their key reform priorities:
Germany UK (October 2014) French government’s non-paper (October 2014) Council progress report (5 December 2014) Latvian Presidency proposal (7 January 2015) Joint Ministerial statement on MSR (23 February 2015) Latvian Presidency MSR text (12 February 2015) Council text with EP amendments (5 March, 2015) Latvian Presidency (12 March 2015) Latvian Presidency (20 March, 2015) 1st trilogue text (26 March, 2015) Council Working Party text (15 April, 2015) 2nd trilogue text (30 April, 2015) Final MSR text adopted after trilogue (5 May, 2015)
Positions and letters:
Change Partnership position (July 2014)
Letter from Austrian steel and power sectors (March, 2015)
Letter from 64 companies and associations (16 February 2015)
IIGCC – ENVI letter (10 February, 2015)
MSR Statement (2 December, 2014)
Letter from 53 companies and associations (October 2014)
Eurelectric position (July 2014)
UK Emissions Trade Group ad hoc paper (July 2014)