Leaked Energy Savings Directive

Proposals to legislate the 27% energy savings target to 2030, agreed by the European Council, are finally starting to materialise in this leaked copy, which has been sent to the College of Commissioners for improvement and sign-off.

Arias-Canete, Commissioner for climate and energy, had previously called for a 30% target whilst the European Parliament recently passed an important resolution asking for a 40% target. It seems the Commission has ignored it’s own climate and energy leader as well as the […]

By |September 9th, 2016|Climate Change, Energy, energy efficiency, EU 2030, Leak|0 Comments

The new pact between manufacturing industry and the climate

Change Partnership’s new report – Reducing the ETS surplus: The new pact between manufacturing industry and the climate – outlines one of those rare opportunities where an industry-friendly improvement also has the biggest improvement on the environment.

Based on modelling from Thomson Reuters, the report concludes that nearly 700 million ETS tonnes can be reduced from the surplus by reducing the proposed 2021 auctioning share from 57% to 52%. Importantly, this would incentivise the electricity generation sector to decarbonise at […]

By |June 28th, 2016|carbon leakage, Climate Change, EU 2030, EU ETS|0 Comments

China’s 13th Five Year Plan: The clean technology revolution and its opportunities for the EU

Change Partnership published an in-depth analysis of China’s 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) today. The report China’s 13 FYP: The clean technology revolution and its implications for the EU looks into the most comprehensive programme to shift China away from fossil fuels and boosting clean technology innovation. This will make decarbonisation that much cheaper for everyone boosting the opportunity to shift away from fossil fuels.

Alongside the emphasis on innovation, markets and economic restructuring, much more attention has been paid […]

Change Partnership, industry, trade unions and associations support adequate climate policy

Today (1st March, 2016) Change Partnership together with over 60 other NGOs, companies, associations and trade unions wrote to European leaders demanding the right climate policy is established across the EU.

The statement called upon leaders to:

Ensure that Europe’s ambition is consistent with the Paris Agreementand that wehave a clear pathway set to 2050, which is at the upper end of the 80-95% range.
Guarantee that 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas reductions targets are in line with the science, […]

By |March 2nd, 2016|Climate Change, Energy, energy efficiency, EU 2030, EU ETS|0 Comments

Coal in Poland: After the sunset

Change Partnership produced an English version summary of Dr Michal Wilczynski’s report “Coal in Poland: After the sunset”. Dr Wilczynski was the Chief Geologist in Poland and remains the country’s leading expert in coal matters.

The report paints a damning insight into coal production in the country and dispels many myths surrounding is future viability. 

By |February 15th, 2016|Coal, Energy, EU 2030, phase-out fossil fuel subsidies, Poland|0 Comments

Finnish elections: Centre Party secures victory and negotiates coalition

Finnish voters have elected their Parliament on Sunday, 19 April. The Centre Party won 24.5% of the votes, followed by the Finns Party and the National Coalition Party. As negotiations for a governing coalition will soon begin, check our grid overview of the main six parties and their climate and energy policies.

The Centre Party will lead negotiations to form a new government

The liberal agrarian Centre Party, led by Juha Sipilä won 49 out of the 200 seats of the […]

By |April 20th, 2015|Climate Change, Energy, EU 2030|0 Comments

Leak of Energy Union Commission proposal

The much anticipated Energy Union communication and annex leaked from the European Commission can be found here. This is the latest version currently going through inter-sevice consultation prior to publication next week.

By |February 20th, 2015|Energy, EU 2030, Leak|0 Comments

Latest leak of 2030 Council Conclusions

With less than 10 days to go to the European Council governments are edging closer to a deal as this latest leak of the Council conclusions, dated 13 October, indicates. The key points are:
– 40% GHG target is now almost accepted with only a few governments seeking a lower target. The ETS is to deliver 40% reductions by 2030 from 2005 emissions and non-ETS sectors 30% reductions.
– The ETS linear reduction will move from 1.74% to 2.2% .
– Innovation will […]

Leak of 2030 Council Conclusions

Donald Tusk, newly appointed President of the European Council, has managed to get a massive deal for Poland and CEE Countries through a transfer of EU ETS allowances estimated to be worth over €10 billion as the carbon price improves. This leak shows that Governments have also agreed to revenue hypothecation to support industrial innovation.  Further developments to come.

By |September 1st, 2014|Climate Change, EU 2030, EU ETS, Leak|0 Comments

Shattering the myth of carbon leakage

Change Partnership’s response to the European Commission’s consultation on carbon leakage provisions post 2020 can be viewed here. This is the most controversial area of EU climate policy. The myth of ‘carbon leakage’ is the main reason why the wrong climate targets are set and perversely and why companies are subsidised for their pollution rather than having to pay for it.
There are three things to note:
i) there is no evidence of ‘leakage’ having taken place in the period 2005-2012 according […]

By |July 31st, 2014|carbon leakage, Climate Change, EU 2030|0 Comments